Ursula Bloom Readers’ Club

Welcome to the Ursula Bloom Readers’ Club.

Membership is free and entitles you to exclusive news and special ebook releases. You’ll be the first to know when new ebooks are published, and when we run any price promotions.

We are delighted to present all new members with a free ebook copy of Ursula Bloom: A Life in Words. This book contains the selected pieces of autobiography broadcast in the podcast Ursula Bloom: A Life in Words. This five part series, available to listen to online, covers events in Ursula’s life as a young woman in the Great War, describes how she broke into the publishing world, and gives insight into her success on Fleet Street, and her achievements as a crime reporter.

A download link to this unique book will be emailed to you as soon as you sign up for the Readers’ Club newsletter.

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