Praise for Ursula Bloom: ‘… with every book she adds something to her reputation.’ Daily Telegraph
Influenced by her social class, Carolyn chooses a “good marriage” over a love match, and lives to regret the decision. But her three sons provide comfort, as well as worry.
Adam tries hard to do what is expected of him. But Carolyn would love him more if he didn’t seek to be quite so perfect.
Marty is destined for fame on the stage. Can the love of a simple woman compete with the bright lights?
Luke shows talent as an artist. But his greatest gift is what he brings to his unhappy mother.
As the Great War beckons, Carolyn and her sons must decide what they most want for the future.
More praise for Ursula Bloom:
‘She has always been able to tell a story.’ Everyman
‘Ursula Bloom writes in a delightful way, with a deep understanding of human nature and a quick eye for the humorous things in life.’ Cambridge Daily News
‘Vividly entrancing.’ Scotsman
Three Sons by Ursula Bloom from Amazon UK